Fringe Box



Food Bank’s Fundraising Campaign Launches with Support of Singer-songwriter Liz Simcock

Published on: 29 May, 2024
Updated on: 29 May, 2024

The North Guildford Food Bank has launched a fundraising campaign to address the increasing surge in demand.

Liz Simcock, a singer-songwriter, has pledged her support with a concert at Holy Trinity Church, High Street, Guildford, on Saturday July 13, at 7.30pm.

The food bank says that as part of the Guildford Fringe Festival the concert is an opportunity to raise awareness of the need, and also raise funds from the proceeds of the ticket sales. Liz Simcock’s highly personal autobiographical songs are injected with poetry, emotion and splashes of humour.

Based at St Clare’s Church in Park Barn for 10 years, the food bank has been helping individuals and families in need. It has noticed a sharp increase in need over the last few months as people struggle with the cost of living crisis.

Melanie Simcock, a volunteer at the food bank and the concert’s organiser, said: “We are very thankful for the donations of food we receive via contributions at local supermarkets, churches, schools and other local organisations and from individuals who make financial donations to us.

“Sadly however we are finding for the first time that the need is outstripping the supply. The concert will help us raise valuable funds to support our work and will also help raise awareness of the need that exists in the town.”

The food bank not only provides a warm welcome for those collecting food parcels, but also delivers to people who are housebound.

Its adds that the people its helps often face a myriad of complex needs, and the volunteers are able to help signpost people to other support.

Tickets for the concert are available via the Guildford Fringe Festival website.

Donations can be made direct to the foodbank, click here.

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