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Former Royal Surrey IT Director Jailed For Corrupt Payments

Published on: 8 Jan, 2017
Updated on: 9 Jan, 2017

Guildford Crown Court

A corrupt NHS official who accepted bribes of £80,000 in exchange for awarding lucrative IT contracts was jailed for three and a half years at Guildford Crown Court on Friday, January 6.

Peter Lewis, 57, of Windlesham, admitted receiving corrupt payments from Richard Moxon, 41, of Wybunbury in Cheshire in return for awarding him an ICT contract worth £950,000 in the first year.

The prosecution followed an investigation by Surrey Police into the activities of Lewis, who was employed by the Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust as director of infomatics.

Detective Superintendent Karen Mizzi, Head of Proactive Crime for Surrey Police said: “Peter Lewis sought to greedily divert money from the NHS into his own pockets. While I am glad to see justice being served through his custodial sentence, my team is now focusing on recovering the money Lewis made from his crime, and returning it to the NHS.

“I hope Richard Moxon’s sentence will act as a warning to other public sector suppliers, who may be tempted to go along with a fraud rather than reporting an approach to the relevant authorities at the earliest opportunity.

“I am also grateful to the Royal Surrey, and the Criminal Prosecution Service Specialist Fraud Division for their support in bringing this case to fruition”.

Alf Turner

Alf Turner, deputy chief executive of the Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust said: “In accordance with NHS and public service values, Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust expects its staff to act with honesty and integrity at all times.

“Mr. Lewis fundamentally broke these foundations, grossly abusing the trust placed in him as a senior manager within the NHS.

“It is rare for members of NHS staff to be willing or able to breach their position of trust as highlighted by this case.

“Mr. Lewis’ actions defrauded Royal Surrey, and the people it is here to serve, of over £80,000. Bringing him to justice has been a lengthy and complex process.

“We would like to thank the police for their ongoing support in pursuing this matter to its positive resolution and the matter to a close.”

Stephen Rowland, specialist prosecutor from the CPS Specialist Fraud Division, said: “Peter Lewis abused his position for his own financial gain. The prosecution evidence showed how Lewis approached Moxon for a bribe and had the money paid directly into the same bank account as his salary.

“The clear evidence resulted in both men pleading guilty.”

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Responses to Former Royal Surrey IT Director Jailed For Corrupt Payments

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    January 9, 2017 at 3:51 pm

    On must ask: Lewis was given £80,000, and the director of the supplier was also jailed. The reported contract value was £950,000 but the “real” value, i.e. minus the £80k, was at most £870,000. If it had been an honest contract, without excessive profit, just how much less would it have been?

    Perhaps a re-valuation of the original contract should be executed?

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