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Former Tory Councillor to be Interviewed by the BBC About Her Election Defeat

Published on: 2 Aug, 2021
Updated on: 2 Aug, 2021

Cllr Julie Iles

An interview with a  former county councillor is expected to be broadcast tonight on the BBC’s News at Ten.

Julie Iles, who was a Conservative county councillor for The Horsleys division, lost her seat in the May Surrey county council election, largely, it is generally believed, because of the unpopularity of the Local Plan in the area.

In the interview, she is to be asked about the change in the Tory voting patterns and whether the party risks losing voters in the South of England.

This afternoon (August 2), hours before the broadcast, she said: “The BBC picked this topic up from my recent article in The Guildford Dragon NEWS (Comment: The Conservative Label, For Me, Was Fatal), where I wrote about how the Conservatives had lost votes because of the local plan, and they were keen to understand what the impact of a levelling up agenda might be.”

The BBC said it is possible that sports news might necessitate postponement of the item.

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Responses to Former Tory Councillor to be Interviewed by the BBC About Her Election Defeat

  1. Martin Elliott Reply

    August 3, 2021 at 7:49 pm

    So one sentence is counted as an interview?

    Thank you BBC News for your current level of “journalism”.

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