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Free Email Newsletter Tool For Community Groups And Organisations

Published on: 14 Jun, 2016
Updated on: 17 Jan, 2017

A free email newsletter tool called is fast being taken up and used by community groups, clubs, societies and charities in the Guildford area. buttonVoluntary Action South West Surrey is encouraging organisations and groups it supports to sign up to as it will offer them a neat way to spread the word about their activities.

Easy to use, works on a number of levels. Firstly, by being an easy portal to send group emails that are attractive, eye catching and therefore more likely to be read by the recipient.

Secondly, you can let other local groups share your news through their own emails.

And thirdly, users can publish details of events, notices, stories about themselves and so on, on community networking pages.

It’s a great website for people to visit to find out what’s going on in their local area.

When you think back to those long gone days before emails and websites, the options a local club or group had to keep its members informed were limited – perhaps by a letter through the post or a phone call. And in publicising an event, there was not much more than posters and flyers.

That’s not to say that these forms of communication are no longer necessary, but as everyone knows email, and social media too, play a big part in getting messages out to communities.

Some of the organisations who have signed up and are using via its ‘Guildford community’ include the ETHOS Project, Girlguiding Hogs Back, Headway Surrey, Joining In!, North Guildford Wardens, South West Surrey Cruse Bereavement Care, Sunday Assembly Guildford, and Surrey Group Leaders Network.

To see how it is working and where you can also sign up click here.

Click here for general details about

Or call Voluntary Action South West Surrey on 01483 504626. Email:

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