Fringe Box



Friendly Bowls Club Enjoying Their Matches

Published on: 26 May, 2015
Updated on: 26 May, 2015

Guildford’s Castle Green Bowling Club is one of the friendliest bowls club in the area.

Although based in Guildford town centre, members can take advantage of the use of a free car park for matches on Sundays, while they can park on single yellow lines in nearby streets after 6pm for evening matches. They can also park at the back of the Castle Grounds for any afternoon games held during the week.

Club president Shirley West and club captain Colin Summerhayes wish to reassure anyone who would like to join the club not to be put off in thinking the club has parking problems.

Shirley said: “Please don’t let parking be the thing that puts you off becoming a member. If you require any more information call me 01483 563071, or Colin Summerhayes on 01483 575948.

Castle Green Bowling Club 2015.

Castle Green Bowling Club 2015.

Latest match results supplied by Colin Summerhayes

On a beautiful Wednesday afternoon on May 20, Castle Green went down to defeat against Puttenham and Wanborough, at home.

Castle Green won on one of the three rinks, and the final score was 33-63.

Results were:
B West (skip), J Horwood, B Stephens 17-13.
S West (skip), L Smith, F Webster 9-22.
R Williams (skip), P Smith, N Hinde 7-28.

Castle Green Bowling Club lost their match in the senior men’s Tuesday Triples in the Guildford-Woking League, on a stormy afternoon away against Albury, by 20-49 (-29) on May 19.

Results were:
R Williams (skip), P.Plummer, P Smith: 12-23.
B West (skip), C Summerhayes, J Horwood: 8-26.

On a rather cloudy Sunday afternoon, May 17, Castle Green were narrowly beaten at home by one point (65-66) by a visiting team from Brockham, after having been five points down at the half-way mark.

As on the Saturday, it cooled off as the day wore on, and fleeces were broken out. But despite the score and the weather we all had good time. Castle Green won on two rinks and lost on two.

Results were:
Colin Summerhayes (skip), Lynn Smith, Ann Lewis: 13-21
Paul Plummer (skip), Tim Sampspn, David Taylor: 21-9
Hazel Tappenden (skip), Peter Smith, Margret Plummer: 21-12
Viv Smith (skip), Diana Summerhayes, Colin Downham: 10-24.
Pat and Rob Williams made an excellent tea.

Castle Green also spent a pleasant afternoon at Mayford Hall, near Woking, on Saturday May 16, in warm sunshine at first, though it cooled off a bit as the day wore on.

We were playing against some tough opponents, and they managed to win on all three of their rinks, by 33-58.

Results were:
Shirley West (skip), Jim Horwood, Fran Webster: 10-15
Brian West (skip), Colin Summerhayes, Patrick Andrew: 9-27
Rob Williams (skip), Diana Summerhayes, Norma (from Mayford Hall): 14-16.

Evening shadows on the bowling green.

Evening shadows on the bowling green.

On a beautiful Wednesday evening on May 13, Castle Green won at home against Holloway Hill.

The weather was kind, although it did chill a bit and the fleeces came out as the breeze picked up and the sun went down.

Castle Green won on two of the four rinks, and the final score was a healthy 75-63 (+12) in our favour.

Results were:
B West (skip) J Horwood, N Hinde: 19-13
J Bird (skip) H Tappenden, A Lewis: 24-7
D Redgwell (skip), F Webster, D Newman: 17-19
C Summerhayes (skip) M Redgwell, T Sampson: 15-24.

Castle Green won their match in the senior men’s Tuesday Triples in the Guildford-Woking League, on a nice sunny afternoon at home against Guildford, by 38-33 (+5) on May 12.

Results were:
R Williams (skip), P.Plummer, D Taylor: 12-21.
B West (skip), C Summerhayes, J Horwood: 26-12.

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