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Full Council To Debate Draft Local Plan On June 19

Published on: 8 Jun, 2014
Updated on: 8 Jun, 2014

Guildford Borough Council’s Executive has unanimously given the green light for the full council to now consider the Draft Local Plan.

Guildford Borough Council Offices at Millmead.

Guildford Borough Council Offices at Millmead.

The decision was made at its meeting on Thursday (June 4), and the plan will be discussed on June 19.

The Draft Local Plan incorporates views from last year’s Issues and Options consultation and is a framework for how the borough will develop up to 2031. It covers key issues including affordable housing, the economy and employment, infrastructure, and the Green Belt.

Cllr Monika Juneja, lead councillor for planning, said in a statement: “Last night’s meeting allowed the Executive to consider the Draft Local Plan for the first time. It also provided another opportunity for public speakers to put forward their views directly to councillors.

“Following a wide-ranging debate, the Executive agreed that it is the right time and the right journey for the Draft Local Plan to go forward with a recommendation to council for public consultation. We want to understand and balance the needs of communities and businesses across the whole borough. There are difficult decisions ahead, and we realise that some people will not agree with everything proposed, but we must plan for the future prosperity of everyone.

“The joint scrutiny committee carefully considered the Draft Local Plan at their meeting last month and made a number of recommendations. We worked hard to address these issues in the weeks that followed, so the Executive could consider the latest information last night. This included our continued focus to challenge the required housing number throughout the Local Plan process.”

A second stage of extensive public consultation on the Draft Local Plan is due to begin next month.

You can view the Executive agenda and report at You can view the Draft Local Plan and evidence research at 

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