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Funds Roll In At Macmillan Coffee Mornings

Published on: 27 Sep, 2013
Updated on: 30 Sep, 2013

The annual Macmillan Cancer Support’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning took place on Friday at a number of venues across Guildford.

At the Macmillan coffee morning held at Guildford's Holiday Inn, from left: the team vicar of St Clare's Church, park Barn, the Rev'd Steve Pownall; Gilliam James, Guildford MP Anne Milton; and Shirley West.

At the Macmillan coffee morning held at Guildford’s Holiday Inn, from left: the team vicar of St Clare’s Church, Park Barn, the Rev’d Steve Pownall; Gilliam James, Guildford MP Anne Milton; and Shirley West.

A fantastic £1,065 was raised at the Holiday Inn at a coffee morning hosted by the Mayor of Guildford, Diana Lockyer-Nibbs, with a visit from Guildford MP Anne Milton. The organisers, Nerina King, Shirley West and Rachael Shaw were delighted with the total raised. Rachael works at the Spirit health club within the hotel and is a cancer rehab specialist

Pictured at the Holiday Inn, from left: Nerina King, Rachael Shaw, Shirley West, Tesco community champion Sue Keeley and Gillian James.

Pictured at the Holiday Inn, from left: Nerina King, Rachael Shaw, Shirley West, Tesco community champion Sue Keeley and Gillian James.

Nerina said: “We had more than 250 people come along who enjoyed coffee and cakes. There were about 80 prizes in the raffle. We would like to thank all those who helped out during the morning including the Holiday Inn’s operations manager Nick Ariftodemou.

A smaller, but no less important coffee morning, took place at the monthly get together of the Tea Dance or Not To Dance social group that meets at Stoughton Methodist Church Hall.

Jan Cook and Raineee Wornham at the Tea Dance or Not To Dance club. although the sign says £82, after the picture was taken they raised another £18 making the final total £100.

Jan Cook and Raineee Wornham at the Tea Dance or Not To Dance club. Although the sign says £82, after the picture was taken they raised another £18 selling off the last of the cakes making the final total £100.

Jan Cook and Raineee Wornham who run the group laid on delicious cakes, teas and coffees. They were also delighted in raising £100.

Some of those who enjoyed the Macmillan coffee morning in Stoughton.

Some of those who enjoyed the Macmillan coffee morning in Stoughton.

The annual event raises millions of pounds for the charity Macmillan, which supports people with cancer.

Last year’s coffee morning raised £15 million from across the UK.

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Responses to Funds Roll In At Macmillan Coffee Mornings

  1. Jan Cook Reply

    September 28, 2013 at 11:06 am

    Brilliant for all us groups that helped to raise the funds for those wonderful MacMillan Nurses.
    Thank you David Rose for writing this piece.
    To all those that helped us raise that money a huge thank you from me.
    I have a great team helping me, I wouldn’t be without them.

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