By Martin Giles
The vaccination centre at G Live, which has administered tens of thousands of vaccinations to residents in Guildford and surrounding boroughs, is to close at the end of July.
Council leader Joss Bigmore (R4GV, Christchurch) in his regular Covid update to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee said: “I think for us the biggest thing on the horizon is what happens to the Covid vaccination centre at G Live. Originally the plan was to have the vaccination centre there only until the end of March.
Council leader Joss Bigmore and Overview Scrutiny Committee chair Paul Spooner during the online meeting.
“But HQ Theatres do need a period of preparation for productions planned in the autumn so it will need to cease vaccination operations at the end of July. The G Live centre had been a phenomenal success.”
In May The Dragon was informed that it had been rated “outstanding” by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) but Procare, the GP Federation for Guildford and Waverley which manages the G centre, did not respond to a request for further information.
Included in the potential new locations for the centre under consideration is the ground floor of the empty Debenhams building and “one of the Park & Rides”.
“I think everyone is looking nervously at the June 21st date to see if [the planned relaxation of restrictions] holds. There is obviously a worrying increase in cases around the country,” said Cllr Bigmore.
“But the story locally is still positive and we’ve seen lots of events start up again and things start to reopen.”
“I can thoroughly recommend the [Stoke Park] paddling pool which, having stood in it, I can say is not too cold.
See also the recently updated: Local Covid-19 Stats
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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