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Godalming Youths Banned from Entering Guildford

Published on: 3 Apr, 2017
Updated on: 5 Apr, 2017

Three Godalming youths who were given Anti-Social Behaviour Injunctions last December were back in Guildford Youth Court on Wednesday (29 March, 2017) having breached the order.

All three pleaded guilty to the breach and will be sentenced on May 17, 2017.

A reporting restriction has been put in place which prevents police or the media from identifying the youths or releasing any details that could lead to their identification.

A police spokesperson agreed that without identifying the individuals the public would be unable, by reporting breaches, to help police enforce the injunctions, which were issued to reassure those who had been directly affected by the youths behaviour.

Some local police officers are already acquainted with the three youths and others will be briefed so that they may be recognised.

During the court hearing additional restrictions added to their original ASB injunctions. They are now:

  • banned from using foul and abusive language, violence or the threat of violence in the County of Surrey;
  • banned from any railway station operated by South West Trains or from travelling on any South West Train;
  • prohibited from entering Guildford town centre, unless accompanied by an adult;
  • prevented from attending the house of a named family.

These new prohibitions will last until the expiry of the original injunction on December 4, 2017.

If they do not comply with the order they will be guilty of contempt of court and they may be sentenced to a supervision order or an order for their committal to detention.

The original injunctions imposed on them on December 5, 2016 prevent them from associating with a named individual; entering certain properties in Godalming; entering named shops in Godalming; being in possession of a catapult or an air rifle in public and they are prevented from using foul or abusive language and using violence or threatening behaviour within a certain area of Godalming.

Waverley Neighbourhood Sergeant Mel Sefton said: “We are pleased the court has amended the injunctions which will further protect the residents of Godalming and beyond. The behaviour of these youths has caused mayhem and fear to those living and working in the borough and it’s something we’re not prepared to tolerate.”

Anti Social Behaviour Injunctions, which replaced Anti Social Behaviour Orders or ASBOs, have been criticised because there is only a power of arrest if they are breached where the anti-social behaviour includes use or threatened use of violence or there is a significant risk of harm to others.

ASB Help, a charity set up to provide advice and support to victims of anti-social behaviour say: “We suggest that this lacks any real deterrent for offenders who are given these injunctions for incidents of ASB that may be non-violent/non-threatening but are nevertheless causing misery to individuals and communities.”

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