The wooden barn in Grange Road, Stoughton is now no more. It has been dismantled in the past week and homes are set to be built on the site.
Plans were approved by Guildford Borough Council on February 19, 2018, for two two-storey semi-detached houses with rooms in the roof.
Full details of the planning application 17/P/01921 can be viewed on the council’s website.
The planning application was submitted in September 2017 and a story about it published here last October.
In that story it was noted that it is estimated that parts of the barn may date back to the 18th century and certainly appears in late 19th century photographs when Grange Road was a track leading to the farm with a pond in front of the barn.
It was therefore probably the oldest building still standing in Stoughton.
In our previous story it was stated that Guildford Borough Councillor David Quelch (Stoughton, Con), who lives close to the barn, said he was aware of the planning application and checked with officers as to its historical importance and possible conservation status, but was informed that it was considered the building did not merit being preserved.
Click here for our previous story.
The barn was certainly a landmark for people living in the area. Close by was once a building that was a cafe, locally known as Smokey Joe’s. Older residents still remember when there was a working farm there.
Before today’s Grange Park estate was built and before the Women’s Royal Army Corps’ camp (now the Queen Elizabeth Park development) from 1924 the farm was owned by the Butcher family. They had a market garden there. Part of the farm was later rented to the Burdon family who kept dairy cattle and who later owned the farm.
With the barn on the left-hand side of Grange Road (coming from the direction of Stoughton Road), the farmhouse and other farm buildings were on the opposite side of the road.
In our previous story it was reported that in a story that preceded that, in a reader’s reply Tom Taylor kindly left a comment: “My grandmother owns this barn and the barn is being moved to another site. The houses will be built in its place, so nothing is being demolished.”
The Guildford Dragon NEWS, and many of its readers, would be interested to know further details as to whether the barn will be re-erected somewhere else.
Here is a gallery of pictures taken in and around Grange Farm from about the 1930s to the 1950s. Part of David Rose’s collection and kindly loaned to him for copying by John Butcher, whose father once owned the farm.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Jim Allen
May 3, 2018 at 11:58 pm
It’s all right it’s only history!
What can we learn from history? Nothing it seems under current thought patterns – we need to destroy anything older than 50 years.
It is a great shame we can’t save more of our Local heritage.
Les Knight
May 4, 2018 at 9:10 am
Hope we will see a photo of it rebuilt on a new site, but I do not think so.
Jan Brion
May 4, 2018 at 9:13 am
The lady standing with the two calves looks like Mrs Burden.
Spent many happy times as a child around the barn and farm, so sad that now all trace of it has gone.
Helen Burden
May 4, 2018 at 7:45 pm
Yes it is my great nan, the little boy on the horse is my dad! X
Jan Brion
May 4, 2018 at 10:09 am
Daphne Holdaway the ‘milk lady’ who drove the milk cart for many years, lived in Baden Road with her parents Walter and Mabel (nee Butcher) Holdaway.
Her birth name was Beryl Daphne Holdaway.
In the 1920s Walter Holdaway was working with Leonard and Albert Butcher when the farm was called Briggs Farm.
Peter Smith
May 4, 2018 at 5:51 pm
Seeing the way the barn was ‘dismantled’ it would be very interesting to know what parts of the original are left to be erected elsewhere.
Carole Garrington nee Burden
May 4, 2018 at 7:09 pm
You need to get your facts and photos correct. A lot of these photos are of my family Burden. We had the farm opposite, selling the ice cream, delivering the milk and entering the carnival.
Gillian Hebbourn
May 4, 2018 at 7:26 pm
I was hoping the barn would have been dismantled and moved elsewhere but sadly it was completely destroyed. I live near the barn and definitely didn’t receive a notice about its demolition. In fact we had no prior knowledge of this at all from any source including the council.
Hillary Hinds
May 8, 2018 at 12:09 pm
I find it very hard to believe that any interested parties living nearby, or simply reading the Dragon would not have been aware of this.
The site the barn sits on had planning permission applied for and widely discussed in addition.
Having seen the barn structure close up it would be virtually impossible to re-create it somewhere else without replacing every piece of wood.
It might be sad that it has gone but it was not of significant merit to justify the cost – unless you were willing to fund the removal and re-siting of the barn yourself?
Jules Cranwell
May 5, 2018 at 12:35 pm
Another abject failure by GBC to protect our heritage.
Heritage sacrificed on the altar of ‘progress’.
Judy Lee
January 16, 2021 at 4:56 pm
Enjoyed reading about Grange Farm. Am I right in remembering a farm in Guildford Park Road, near the railway station? I seem to remember the Boyne family living there. I knew Sheila Boyne. We both worked at the Ministry of Food in Merrow.