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Grow A Beard – And Help Tackle A Cancer That Kills 11,000 Men Every Year

Published on: 19 Aug, 2015
Updated on: 23 Aug, 2015
Mike Wills and the BBC's Michael Beurk pictured last year assessing each others growth before the shave off.

Mike Wills and the BBC’s Michael Beurk pictured last year assessing each others growth before the shave off.

Guildford based prostate cancer charity the Prostate Project, has announced the launch of OctoBeardFest 2015. Sponsored beard growing is the the charity’s most successful form of fundraising.

The beard growing appeal was conceived and launched in 2013 by the charity’s trustee Tim Sharp, with an expectation of raising £8,000. The total raised so far is an amazing £146,000.

Tim hopes to raise a further £100,000 this year and reach a grand three-year total of £1/4 million.

Surrey pubs, clubs  and businesses will be the main target for the appeal, as well as the general public. Charity founder Tim Sharp said: “It’s usually people who have been touched by prostate cancer that get involved with us.

“Prostate cancer kills 11,000 men every year and the Prostate Project has been working hard for 17 years to reduce this figure”.

Last year’s total of £82,000 is being used to fund vital diagnostic research to help detect prostate cancer faster. Early detection is crucial.

Get your beards growing and help the Prostate Project beat prostate cancer.

Get your beards growing and help the Prostate Project beat prostate cancer.

The money raised so far has been used to support a world-class cancer research team at the University of Surrey under the leadership of Professor Hardev Pandha.

Their discovery of a protein in urine that can detect prostate cancer 50% more accurately than the 30-year old PSA test is undergoing final trials in September this year. Results are expected in July 2015 which will hopefully lead to rapid and widespread use in GPs surgeries.

The test, called EN2, is a simple stick test similar to a pregnancy test. It will be less expensive, more acceptable to men and give much faster, more accurate results.

Professor Pandha said: “This is just the beginning. We are discovering that urine is a treasure trove of information relating to prostate cancer.

OctoBeardFest Prostate Project“This year’s OctoBeardFest appeal money will be used to research exosomes, tiny particles that are constantly shed by cancer cells into urine.

Their make up can reveal how aggressive the cancer is and the type of treatment needed. Previously it has taken up to 9 hours to extract exosomes from urine. Now, a new scientific kit can do the job in minutes, opening up exciting potential for faster, more accurate research.

If you would like to get involved and help with this year’s appeal please call Tim Sharp on: 07989 865702 or email:

For more information about the Prostate Project and OctoBeardFest see: or

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