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Guildford Dragon News Makes One of the Nationals

Published on: 15 Mar, 2024
Updated on: 18 Mar, 2024

The article in The Guardian

News of The Guildford Dragon being granted charitable has been featured in a national newspaper.

The Guardian today published a story entitled: ‘Glimmer of hope’ for local news as Surrey publication given charitable status.

To read the full Guardian article please click here.

Dragon editor Martin Giles commented: “It is good that our initiative has been recognised and reported in the national press but now the work on setting up the charity’s administration needs to be completed before the most important activity, the fundraising, can commence.

“Our aim is to make The Dragon sustainable so it can continue to provide Guildford news coverage.

“Fortunately, we have an excellent board of trustees in place so I am looking forward to making progress.”

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Responses to Guildford Dragon News Makes One of the Nationals

  1. Peta Malthouse Reply

    March 16, 2024 at 7:03 am

    The Dragon is amazing and I for one would not be able to keep abreast of our important local issues without it. Thank you, just thank you. The people of Guildford are lucky to have you on their side.

  2. Anna Windebank Reply

    March 16, 2024 at 3:42 pm

    Peta Malthouse: what she said.

  3. Wendy Johnson Reply

    March 16, 2024 at 6:13 pm

    Well done for being recognized (in The Guardian at least) and thank you for all your work up until now.

    Best wishes for the future

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