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Guildford Grove School Gets Into The Video Groove For Red Nose Day

Published on: 16 Mar, 2015
Updated on: 16 Mar, 2015

Guildford Grove School in Park Barn has raised a whopping £1,500 for Red Nose Day, and part of the fun included staff recreating videos to some well known pop songs.

A scene from Guildford Grove School's video to Taylor Swift's hit

A scene from Guildford Grove School’s video to Taylor Swift’s hit Shake It Off.

One features American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift’s hit Shake It Off, with staff members splicing their owns scenes into the video of song.

Click on to the school’s website to see their videos – they are well worth a look.

All office staff were involved: Sandra Cartwright, Ann Pierce, Julie Smaller, Anne Neale and Jo Jordan. Kathryn Waring was the talented camera woman behind the video.

Staff in disguise in the Shake It Off video.

Staff in disguise in the Shake It Off video.

Jo Jordan said: “We filmed over a few days, when we had a small window of opportunity and the office was quiet.

“Each Key Stage made their own video remake of a famous dance routine to a song. The children were shown these videos at the end of the day in a Comic Relief Assembly to celebrate the wonderful amount raised.

“This was only a small section of our day. Other events taking place included a cake bake for staff and children. Children decorated a cupcake with a funny face and staff baked cakes to sell in the staffroom. During the morning we had a ‘teacher swap’, and children donated money to become the headteacher, class teacher or teaching assistant for part of the morning.”

A netball match took place at lunchtime between staff and pupils, paying 50p to enter to get the opportunity to play, and Jo added: “Children and staff were involved in the ‘funny faces’ theme photos to be posted on our website soon.

“We raised an astonishing £1,550! The government are doubling school donations this year and this means that we have raised enough money to send 50 children in Africa to school for a year. Alternatively, it could pay for two schools in Uganda to have clean water supplies and for three wheelchairs to help children in Zambia.

“This is a fantastic achievement and another example of what a charitable community we are.”

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Responses to Guildford Grove School Gets Into The Video Groove For Red Nose Day

  1. Janet Arias-Ball Reply

    March 19, 2015 at 7:09 am

    Whoop, whoop, Guildford Grove Primary School- yet another way to show the world we rock. x

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