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Guildford History Question Time – Come Along And Ask The Experts!

Published on: 7 May, 2017
Updated on: 7 May, 2017

Here’s another chance to ask the experts – Matthew Alexander, David Calow, Mary Alexander and Gavin Morgan – anything you like about Guildford’s history.

Have you got a burning question about Guildford’s history?

The second Guildford History Question Time, takes place this Saturday, May 13th, 7.30pm, at St Catherine’s Village hall, Chestnut Avenue, Guildford.

With Guildford Dragon NEWS editor Martin Giles once again in the chair, another enjoyable an interesting evening is anticipated. There will be plenty of time to discuss Guildford’s history and heritage and hear a short update on the long awaited revamp of the town’s museum.

Come prepared with your questions time for the 7.30pm start.

People, places, events, mysteries, rumours, – ask anything about Guildford’s past.

The panel will comprise: Matthew Alexander, formerly curator of Guildford Museum, David Calow, a long standing member of The Surrey Archaeological Society and has been involved in many local digs, Mary Alexander, the collections officer at Guildford Museum where Gavin Morgan once worked too before he researched and wrote the book The Guildford Guy Riots while Martin Giles has co-authored three books with local historian David Rose and recently completed his third local history course under Matthew’s expert tuition.

The evening is being organised by The Guildford Dragon NEWS in conjunction with the Guildford Heritage Forum and kindly promoted by the Facebook group Guildford Past & Present, run by Ben Darnton of Ben’s Collectors Records.

Get there early to ensure you get a seat.

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