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Guildford Lib Dem Candidate In Prorogue Protest at Guildhall

Published on: 30 Aug, 2019
Updated on: 2 Sep, 2019

Prorogue protestors at the Guildhall. Photo Mandy Millyard

As the controversy over Brexit rumbles on in Westminster, residents from the Guildford area protesting about Prime Minster Boris Johnson’s decisions to prorogue parliament gathered at the Guildhall yesterday evening (August 29).

Zoe Franklin, Guildford’s prospective Lib Dem parliamentary candidate who helped organise it, said the vociferous protest was not just for Remainers but for anyone who felt the prorogation was undemocratic.

In the following clip Parliamentary candidate Zoe Franklin addresses the protestors…

The crowd gradually swelled to nearly 200 and, judging by banners, flags and EU hats and paraphernalia, most appeared Remainers.

They chanted: “Our Parliament, Our Vote”, “Stop the Coup” and “Oh Johnson You Liar”, sung to the tune the White Stripes’ Seven Nation Army in a similar way to “Oh Jeremy Corbyn” at Glastonbury.

Protestors flew an EU flag under the Guildhall Clock.

Dragon Editor Martin Giles spoke to Ms Franklin…

What is the point of this protest this evening?

Ms Franklin: The first thing is that many of us are really, really pro-Remain but this is actually about the fact that the government is going to shut down our democracy for five weeks.

I don’t know whether these people are Leave or Remain but they are all people who have come out tonight to make sure their voice is heard and they are saying they are angry their democracy is going to be shut down and their voice no longer heard in Parliament.

When did you organise this?

Ms Franklin: It first went online this morning, just on social media. This is all through social media and word of mouth and that just shows how important this issue is. We have people from Farnham, Guildford and all over.

As far as I know, this is the only protest in Surrey today. I am sure there will be more across the country because this is such an important issue that people feel so strongly about.

Council Leader Caroline Reeves undercover. Photo Mandy Millyard

And why do you personally feel so strongly about it?

Ms Franklin: The fact they are shutting Parliament to stop the legitimate debate about Brexit is absolutely outrageous and shows quite a level of cowardice. You can’t just shut Parliament to avoid right and proper accountability and challenge.

You are the Lib Dem’s prospective parliamentary candidate. Are you expecting a general election soon?

Ms Franklin: It is entirely possible that will happen when Parliament returns in the first week of September. It is possible it won’t, but whatever happens, I will be out here with people like this, fighting to ensure our democracy is kept alive.

Do you think you’ve a good chance of being elected in Guildford?

Ms Franklin: I think we have a strong chance. We had brilliant results in the EU elections. We can take nothing for granted but there is certainly a move of people who want to stay in the EU but also people more widely who are not happy with the direction this government under Boris Johnson is taking.

The lurch it is taking to the right is not acceptable to the majority of people I speak to in Guildford and that is people across the political spectrum.

Thank you.

Leave campaigner Christian Holliday

But Leave campaigner Christian Holliday, a former Conservative borough councillor said: “Parliament will be prorogued for about a week longer than would be normal for Conference season.

“It is also perfectly normal for a new  Prime Minister to bring forward a Queen’s speech, setting out his priorities following Brexit.

“If the Government negotiates a revised and acceptable deal there will be time at the end of October to pass it, so what’s the problem?

“Let’s stop pretending the faux outrage from Remoaners is about democracy being stolen. They have spent the last three years trying to steal the democratic decision to Leave from the people and are clearly upset that their last ditch plot, devised at the start of this week to derail the Brexit process, has been foiled by normal constitutional procedures.”

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