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Guildford Lions’ £7,813 Cheque To Help People With Sight Loss

Published on: 3 Oct, 2022
Updated on: 2 Oct, 2022

The Guildford Lions Club has presented a cheque for £7,813 to the charity Sight for Surrey.

It will be using the money, raised from the Lions’ Music in the Park event in June, to fund its eye clinic liaison officer (ECLO) at the Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford.

The president of Guildford Lions Club, Dave Brownjohn, hands over a cheque for £7,813 to Justine Jasper, who is a eye clinic liaison officer for Sight for Surrey.

Guildford residents will have access to the ECLO and will be able to attend a weekly clinic at the the hospital as well as receiving support virtually.

ECLOs provide a bridge from health service diagnosis and treatment to social care and support in the community and at home.

The service ensures people receive early intervention and access to emotional support as they go through the shock and grief process of coming to terms with the fact that they now have significant sight loss.

The donation by the Lions will help approximately 150 people directly, and indirectly many more including family, friends and carers.

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