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Guildford Lions Celebrate 50th Anniversary With Civic Reception

Published on: 13 Dec, 2016
Updated on: 13 Dec, 2016

Guildford Lions Club has been honoured by a civic reception to celebrate its 50th anniversary.

Guildford Lions logoThe reception was held at the Guildhall in Guildford High Street and wad hosted by the mayor, Gordon Jackson.

More than 100 people attended, including the Lord Lieutenant of Surrey, Michael Moore-Molyneux; the leader of Guildford Borough Council, Paul Spooner; the Under Sheriff of Surrey, Caroline Breckell; plus representatives from local businesses that have supported the club.

The mayor paid tribute to the crucial role of the voluntary sector in today’s society in supporting the more vulnerable in the local community.

A spokesman for Guildford Lions said: “He [the mayor] highlighted the work of Guildford Lions as an outstanding example of local people freely giving their time to improve the lives of all in our community.

“He reminded all present that Guildford Lions organise some of the town’s largest community events including the fireworks fiesta, the ever popular raft race, the Easter show, as well as turning out to support civic ceremonies such as the Remembrance Day and Armed Forces Day ceremonies. He added that our financial support of individuals, families and local charities has made a huge difference to many in the borough of Guildford.

“The mayor paid particular tribute to the current Guildford Lions Christmas Appeal, as an example of how the club seeks to target assistance to especially needy people.

“Through a partnership with his own Mayor’s Distress Fund and Guildford Action, the club is looking to provide assistance to those who may be lonely, ill or in financial distress this Christmas.”

Lion’s president Erica Quail provided an overview of the club’s activities over the past 50 years. She said she was especially proud of the breadth of its activities which includes large community events.

Attracting many thousands of people, the club organises a Christmas party for the elderly, transportation of blind and elderly people to local events, the distribution of food parcels to the needy at Christmas, days out for young carers and the provision of the crucial Message in a Bottle scheme, which allows first responders to identify an individual’s medication in the event of a medical emergency in their homes.

She estimated that over the course of its 50 years of fundraising the club has donated £1 million to local causes, ranging from very small individual donations to large sums to local charities in connection with specific projects. These include: Disability Challengers, £15,400; Cedar Centre, £17,200; Jigsaw School, £31,200; Guildford Waterside Centre, £23,500; Royal Surrey County Hospital and health projects, £42,600; Shooting Stars Chase, £47,100.

She paid special thanks to the many local businesses and local people who have supported the club over the years, as without their support they would be unable to continue the wide range of activities currently undertaken.

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