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Guildford Police Issued With Body Worn Cameras

Published on: 24 Dec, 2016
Updated on: 31 Dec, 2016

Surrey Police introduced body worn cameras to its Guildford and Waverley area policing teams this week (commencing December 21).

Over 150 personal issue cameras have been distributed to frontline officers ahead of the festive period, with plans to roll-out across the rest of the county to be confirmed in the New Year.

Body worn cameras are an essential tool in delivering Surrey Police’s vision of making Surrey the safest county that it can be.

As well as increasing the transparency and accountability of the force, the use of body worn cameras, and the evidence they provide, has been shown to: increase early guilty pleas, quickly defuse confrontational situations, and protect officers from inaccurate complaints.

Chief Superintendent Jon Savell, divisional commander for West Surrey, said: “The introduction of body worn video across Guildford and Waverley is a real step forward for both the public and our officers.

“I have no doubt that the public will see no difference as to how our officers interact with them, and I am sure that they will see the benefit in the collection of better evidence in order to pursue offenders to prevent and detect crime.”

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