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Guildford Pub Has Licence Revoked On Grounds Of Crime And Disorder

Published on: 27 Nov, 2013
Updated on: 27 Nov, 2013

A pub in Guildford has had its licence revoked by the borough council following representations from Surrey Police and a local councillor.

The Apple Tree pub in Southway.

The Apple Tree pub in Southway.

The Apple Tree pub in Southway, Park Barn was the subject of discussion at a Licensing Committee meeting on Monday (November 25) after an application by Surrey Police to review the licence on the grounds of crime and disorder.

The committee heard the pub had a number of serious incidents and crimes relating to its premises. In September a warrant was executed at the pub following intelligence from the local community about drink-fuelled antisocial behaviour and crime.

The activity resulted in drugs being found on the premises and offences for the possession and supply of drugs by a number of men are being investigated.

P1070229Councillors were told of the unacceptable level of violence demonstrated at the Apple Tree, including an assault on a police officer during the September raid, when he tried to arrest a suspect. In July there was a serious assault leading to grievous bodily harm as a result of an incident at the pub.

Commenting on the decision to revoke the licence, Guildford Borough’s Neighbourhood Inspector Lynette Shanks said: “The revocation of this licence sends out a clear message that Surrey Police will not tolerate alcohol fuelled crime and the use and supply of illegal drugs in our local community. It comes as a result of numerous offences associated with the pub and frequent visits by officers to engage with the staff to ensure licence conditions were maintained.

“Clearly the closure will have quite an impact on the neighbourhood and I hope it will improve the quality of life for everyone, including those residents who have suffered from fear of crime, intimidation, noise and crime and disorder. I would however like to assure the community that the problems relate to a small number of offenders who have disproportionately affected the neighbourhood.

“Other premises in the locality have been warned that Surrey Police will not hesitate to take similar action if such problems arise within their own premise. Officers will continue to engage with licence holders to offer help and advice. I hope the community will continue to inform the police when they have any concerns surrounding activity or nuisance in their local pub. The sooner officers are made aware of potential issues the sooner Surrey Police can help.”

Cllr Richard Billington (Con, Tillingbourne), lead councillor for community safety and health, said: “We are happy to support the work of Surrey Police and the local ward councillors in this case. Anti-social behaviour and crime can have a serious impact on local people and their community. We will continue to work with our partners to help ensure Guildford remains a safe place for our residents.”

The Apple Tree has 21 days to appeal against the decision to revoke its licence.

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Responses to Guildford Pub Has Licence Revoked On Grounds Of Crime And Disorder

  1. Julia McShane Reply

    November 27, 2013 at 8:49 pm

    There are many people in Park Barn positively engaged in projects and groups which enhance our community and give it the wonderful community spirit that many people comment on when they have first hand experience of it.

    That is one reason why I fully support the decision of the Licensing Committee to revoke the premises licence for the Apple Tree Pub, because the serious anti-social and criminal behaviour which was taking place there was having a completely unacceptable and negative impact on residents and the community as a whole.

    I am glad that in recent months the concerns of residents, myself and others working in our community, led to Surrey Police applying for the licence review. Hopefully the minority of people engaged in anti-social and criminal behaviour will have heard, loud and clear, that the community of Park Barn will not tolerate it.

    I am not in a position to know the future of the Apple Tree, but I hope that if it remains a pub it will be a venue that can be part of the community and contribute to the community in a positive way.

    Julia McShane is a Lib Dem borough councillor for Westborough

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