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Guildford’s Nepalese Community To Raise Funds For Quake Appeal

Published on: 28 Apr, 2015
Updated on: 2 May, 2015

Members of Guildford’s Nepalese community are gathering this Friday evening (May 1) to raise money for Nepal’s earthquake relief fund.

The earthquake is believed to have claimed 5,000 lives. Eight million people in 39 districts have been affected by the 7.8-magnitude quake, more than a quarter of Nepal’s population.

The flag of Nepal.

The flag of Nepal.

With help pouring in from other countries around the world, the Nepal government admits it is overwhelmed by the scale of the catastrophe.

The Guildford Nepalese Community (GNC) association has more than 135 members, and since its formation in 2009 has made strong links with other local communities in the Guildford area.

One of its leading members is Navaraj Ghale, a former Gurkha soldier. He was glad to say: “My own property and relatives in Nepal are safe, because the earthquake didn’t affect my home town area.

“So far, I have heard from most Nepalese families living in Guildford and they too have not had any negative news of their relatives in Nepal. I do hope that all of their family and relatives are safe.”

This Friday’s fundraising event will take place in Park Barn at St Clare’s Church between 7.30pm and 9pm. All are welcome to go along.

The church hall is where the Sunrise Gurkha Sports Club meets. It has received an email from the Nepal Embassy in London with useful details about raising funds for the earthquake relief.

More details from Navaraj Ghale by sending him an email to:

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