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Guildford’s Nightclub ‘Will Reopen’ Says Owner Michel Harper

Published on: 13 May, 2024
Updated on: 14 May, 2024

AUX Nightclub

By Martin Giles

The future of Guildford’s biggest nightclub Aux seemed very uncertain following its sudden closure last week but venue owner Michel Harper is adamant that it will reopen.

The closure was preceded by the arrest of a 32-year-old man on suspicion of being concerned in the supply of class A drugs and a subsequent police search of the premises.

See also: Aux Nightclub Closes Suddenly – Police Investigation Underway

The company that ran Aux is believed to be L B Leisure Group Ltd, the director of which is named as Ian Forward who is also understood to have been the club’s manager.

Enforced closure during the pandemic is believed to have affected the club’s profitability and an Abridged Statement of Financial Position of L B Leisure Group Ltd as at December 31 2022, filed with Companies House, showed net liabilities of £1.1 million with a similar amount falling due to creditors within 12 months of the statement.

The income statement showed a negative figure of £1.2 million. However, as these are abridged accounts, it is not possible to see the underlying data that contributes to this (including, for example, annual turnover).

With the closure of the Aux nightclub, investors and creditors risk being left out of pocket. Some investors are understood to have invested six-figure sums and before the pandemic were seeing good returns.

Venue owner Michel Harper, speaking from the nightclub Aux, told The Dragon that the nightclub will reopen with new tenants as soon as possible although there is no set date. “We are currently busy cleaning and tidying and there will be a refurbishment before it opens with new tenant managers.

“This nightclub is an essential social amenity for Guildford. Where else can people go in this area to meet up? Millions of people have visited the club over the years, many have met their future partners here.”

According to Companies House filings Ian Forward is also a current director of L B Leisure Group Holding Ltd, Purple Monkey Bars Ltd and Red Olive Pubs Ltd.


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Responses to Guildford’s Nightclub ‘Will Reopen’ Says Owner Michel Harper

  1. Frank Emery Reply

    May 14, 2024 at 10:53 am

    Best thing to do would be to pull it down, it’s the biggest eyesore in Guildford!

    Let Michel Harper build his complex.

  2. Thomas Wood Reply

    May 15, 2024 at 9:12 am

    As of March this year one man had been arrested for alleged fraud, in what they say was a £13 million overspend, when you enquire about repairs to your property they ask is it life-threatening, if not it will go on waiting list.

    As we pay our council tax and rent increases but it would be better if we refused to pay council tax and had reduced rent no until they resolve the issue of this alleged fraud. Someone somewhere has misused million of pounds contributed by hard working residents in Guildford. Who will pay for it?

    When you ask about repairs they tell you they want to get it right regarding the contractors they bring in. I agree, but to take a year during a cost of living crisis.

    The Tories tell me I get am getting an increased pensio. The increase is £62 per month but my rent has increased by £38.50 and Thames sewerage dumpers want to increase water bills by up to 44 per cent per cent. So much for an increase.

    Come on Guildford Borough Council do as you keep telling us you will do, look after your residents and stop hiding behind the Police investigation. Get the right contractors in now.

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