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Christmas Eve Nightmare: Crash, Floods and Failed Traffic Lights Cause Gridlock

Published on: 24 Dec, 2013
Updated on: 24 Dec, 2013

Guildford’s roads were fast approaching gridlock on Christmas Eve afternoon after a collision on the A3 at Burpham, traffic light failure at Stoke and flooded roads.

Overturned van on the A3 near Burpham on Christmas Eve afternoon.

Overturned van on the A3 near Burpham on Christmas Eve afternoon.

A car and van appear to have collided on the northbound carriageway of the A3 at Burpham, near the slip-road from Clay Lane, at about 2pm. These photos show the scene soon after the incident happened, before emergency teams arrived.

The scene on the A3 shortly after the incident.

The scene on the A3 shortly after the incident.

A van lies on its side in the central reservation, while a blue car that appears to have been involved is by the side of the road among the others vehicle that have stopped.

Motorists help keep the traffic moving before the emergency services arrived.

Motorists help keep the traffic moving before the emergency services arrived.

Motorists had stopped and were helping to warn others approaching of the incident. Traffic was already building up on either carriageway.

Surveying the overturned vehicle.

Surveying the overturned vehicle.

Meanwhile chaos was building at the Stoke interchange near the fire station, as the traffic lights were not working.

Chaos at the Stoke interchange with the traffic lights not working.

Chaos at the Stoke interchange with the traffic lights not working.

Traffic builds along Ladymead on the approach to the Stoke interchange.

Traffic builds along Ladymead on the approach to the Stoke interchange.

Vehicles were edging to the centre of the interchange manoeuvring between each other as they turned left or right or slowly moved ahead.

Vehicles drive through the floods in Clay Lane, Jacobs Well.

Vehicles drive through the floods in Clay Lane, Jacobs Well.

In Clay Lane, vehicles had to negotiate two flooded sections of the road alongside the water meadows near Burpham Court Farm.

Easy does it: the extend of the flooding can be seen in the water meadows beyond.

Easy does it: the extent of the flooding can be seen in the water meadows beyond.

At about 2.30pm, Walnut Tree Close had been closed with a police officer standing at the Woodbridge Meadows end preventing traffic from entering.

Flooding on the River Wey upstream of Guildford has been particularly bad, especially bad as these pictures show.

View from the bottom of Ferry Lane.

View from the bottom of Ferry Lane.

The ornamental bridge by the river and Ferry Lane is almost entirely under water.

The ornamental bridge to nowhere at the foot of Ferry Lane.

The river at St Catherine's.

The river at St Catherine’s.

This afternoon Guildford Borough Council (GBC)  issued a statement regarding the severe weather over the past 24 hours. It read: “We are working with partner agencies across Surrey to support our residents and businesses during the aftermath of the bad storms. Staff were on call and working on Monday night to help our tenants with any damage caused to homes and to assist where needed.

“We are also working today to clear up fallen trees, provide sandbags, alert the public and give any other help required. Particularly as the River Wey burst its banks in Guildford town centre, and during flooding in other communities across the borough, such as Ash Bridge.”

The managing director for Guildford Borough Council, Sue Sturgeon, said: “We continue to review the changing situation and focus on helping our vulnerable residents, especially those without power. We may need to accommodate a small number of people later today to provide them with the necessary food and warmth.

“For those people badly affected it is unlikely be a very happy Christmas and I encourage everyone to help in their local community where they can. I would like to thank all involved for their hard work and commitment at this difficult time, which could have an impact until the weekend. Please look out for the latest information and updates on our website.”

GBC has listed the following services affected by flooding or other issues caused by the recent bad weather.

  • Millmead Court sheltered housing – pedestrian access only from rear of building
  • Bedford Road car park – lower level closed – access from Mary Road
  • Millbrook car park – closed
  • Portsmouth Road car park – closed – (contract only Monday to Friday)
  • Walnut Tree Close car park – closed
  • Bedford Road surface car park – closed
  • Bedford Road garages – closed (also contract parking)
  • No access via Millbrook to GBC Millmead offices

The council’s office at Millmead opens again at 8.30am on Thursday, January 2. Its customer service centre will provide telephone assistance on January 30 and 31 – call 01483 505050. In an out of hours emergency only, call 01483 564821.

This story will be updated as further reports are received. Please check back.


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Responses to Christmas Eve Nightmare: Crash, Floods and Failed Traffic Lights Cause Gridlock

  1. Brian Holt Reply

    December 24, 2013 at 5:24 pm

    Once again excellent and fast reporting on the floods and traffic in Guildford by the Dragon News team on Christmas Eve.

    I would like to wish Martin Giles, David Rose and their team a very Happy Christmas,

    Keep up the excellent reporting.

  2. Juliet Conquest Reply

    December 25, 2013 at 8:50 am

    Great reporting Dragon NEWS. I was stuck at the Stoke Interchange and it was hairy to say the least. Disappointed to see police stuck in it too and not get out of their cars to direct traffic (do police not do this anymore?) Also Eagle traffic report said nothing about it! It’s good to see these photos, I hope all involved in the crashes are ok.

  3. John Robinson Reply

    December 25, 2013 at 10:17 am

    What gridlock? I use a motorcycle (always have done, always will) – my commute is Shalford to Woking side of Guildford (homeward journey). Traffic was much worse than usual Christmas Eve, as per this news from Guildford Dragon, but my total journey time was 27 mins, door to door.

    I use a scooter in the winter (140 mpg!) and for commuting, larger bike in the summer for longer trips. Two wheels actually make commuting fun, cheap and way quicker. Sure, I can get a bit soggy and cold sometimes, but that’s a small price to pay for the super short journey time. I wonder why we aren’t more like Europe? Everyone uses scooters there, for good reason.

  4. Sean Jenkinson Reply

    December 25, 2013 at 11:08 pm

    At about 1pm on Christmas Eve I saw two black unmarked range rovers and a black unmarked land rover defender, with blue flashing lights and sirens going racing up stoke road.

    Anyone know who they are? Don’t think they were police. The people in the defender looked like there were in some kind of waterproof gear.

    • Martin Giles Reply

      December 26, 2013 at 10:49 am

      I saw similar vehicles following a fire engine in Stakescorner Road on Christmas Day morning. Ed

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