By Hugh Coakley
A cement-mixer lorry discharged part of its liquid concrete load while being driven up the steep incline of the A3100 Portsmouth Road and into Mount Pleasant this morning (Friday, July 8).
It meant the main Portsmouth Road was blocked to traffic for more than four hours with side roads becoming congested as drivers sought alternative routes. The main road was finally open to traffic at around 12.15pm.
Hard going: The Portsmouth Road was closed after a cement-mixer lorry shed part of its load. Contractors are pictured cleaning up the hardening concrete.
Ringway Highways, the roads contractor for Surrey County Council, sent its immediate response team to deal with the concrete spillage as it started to harden on the road.
One of the contractor’s staff said they had been told the driver of the vehicle drove off without stopping, saying: “He’s going to get a big bill when they catch up with him.”
An unmarked police car blocked off access from Guildford town centre to Portsmouth Road. Photos supplied by a Guildford Dragon NEWS reader.
The Guildford Dragon NEWS has seen video footage of the concrete pouring out of the lorry but was not sent the video to publish.
The incident happened on a tight, steep corner and it is possible the driver did not realise the chaos they were leaving behind.
Surrey Police has been contacted for a statement.
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