Fringe Box



Letter: If You Want to Help the Museum Become One of Its Friends

Published on: 23 Mar, 2022
Updated on: 23 Mar, 2022

From: Pete Malthouse

In response to: Guildford Museum Must Rediscover Its Old Magic

Can I encourage anyone who is interested by Gavin Morgan’s article to consider joining the Friends of the Museum?

In these straightened times they have continued to raise money by staging talks and supporting events. Funds have been used to purchase a new data management system and more will be found to support the staging of an upcoming exhibition on Guildford World Beating Gaming Industry.

We friends are enthusiastic supporters of the museum staff and their efforts to make our museum a living exhibition of life in our town. We have volunteering opportunities as well.

Our members are those you meet when you visit the undercroft in the High Street. It is not open yet but usually starts in May on Wednesdays and Saturdays (see:

The friends of Guildford Museum also has a Facebook page.

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