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Independent Panel To Advise Council On Designs Of Large Developments

Published on: 23 Feb, 2015
Updated on: 23 Feb, 2015

Guildford Borough Council is to seek advice from an independent review panel when it considers the design of proposals for new large-scale developments.

GBC logoIt has secured agreement with Design South East, an independent, not for profit, provider of expert design advice.

Design Review is a process where a panel of experts provide design advice during the pre- and post-application stage of development.

The council says the panel offers constructive criticism and recommendations to secure a higher quality of design in new development.

It comprises professionals with expertise in architecture, urban design, landscape planning, building conservation, transport planning and sustainability.

Cllr Stephen Mansbridge, leader of Guildford Borough Council, said: “This is an exciting opportunity to secure expert design advice from some of the most influential and respected professionals in the industry.

“We are confident that the involvement of the panel will drive up the quality of design for large-scale new developments. The council is committed to ensuring that new development is of the highest quality of design and our association with Design South East is testament to that objective.”

Julian Lyon, the chairman of The Guildford Society, said: “We warmly welcome this initiative and the focus on quality design and great place-making it should bring.

“We have been critical of the lack of independent design scrutiny in the past and we will look forward to working with GBC and Design South East to help make Guildford’s new buildings better by design.”

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Responses to Independent Panel To Advise Council On Designs Of Large Developments

  1. Mary Bedforth Reply

    February 27, 2015 at 2:36 pm

    ‘Not for profit’ maybe, but certainly fees will be charged. The poor old council tax payers will fork out yet again.

    Some questions come to mind.

    1. Have we got a planning department whose function is to review ALL planning applications and is competent to advise the planning committee?

    2. Who is its current head of planning?

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