Fringe Box



International Croquet Coming And It’s Free To Watch

Published on: 9 Jul, 2022
Updated on: 9 Jul, 2022

International croquet is coming to Guildford’s local club from Thursday to Saturday, July 21 to 23, and it’s free to watch.

The World Croquet Federation’s Golf Croquet World Team Championship Tier 3 will feature teams from the Czech Republic, Iran, Mexico and Portugal, taking part.

They will be competing at the Guildford & Godalming Croquet Club, off Guildford Road, Broadwater, Godalming GU7 3DH (next to Guildford Rugby Club’s pitches).

There will be no admission charge and there is plenty of free parking. The teams will be playing from 10am to 5pm each day and spectators can attend at any time.

On its website the club says: “Whether you’re a total beginner, seasoned tournament player or have fond memories of playing family garden croquet, we will be delighted to welcome you to our club.

“Croquet is an exciting game which is both stimulating and competitive, while being sociable, affordable and fun!”

The club was formed about 35 years ago and currently has 60 sixty members. It has four lawns and plays both Golf croquet and Association croquet. Members play all year round, potentially from dawn to dusk.

Click here for the club’s website and here for its Facebook page.

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