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Invite To Police Panel Meeting Stoughton, October 22

Published on: 21 Oct, 2013
Updated on: 21 Oct, 2013
Residents of Stoughton are invited to attend the latest Neighbourhood Panel Meeting hosted by your dedicated Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team, at which the policing priorities for your area will be decided.
logo-surrey-police-darkBGThe meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday, October 22, at Stoughton Social Club, Worplesdon Road,  and will be hosted by Neighbourhood Specialist Officers (NSO) PC Janet Ville and PCSO James Peppitt.
Also at the meeting will be PC Redfern, the Guildford Borough Casualty Reduction Officer, and a senior Guildford Borough parking officer.
They and the team, will be able to advise what the team and its partners are doing with regard to speeding and parking matters.
Neighbourhood Panels are informal meetings at which residents meet member(s) of their Safer Neighbourhood team, including Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) and Neighbourhood Specialist Officers (NSOs) and vote on the issues they are most concerned about in their community. The issues they vote for become the priorities that the team will address in the weeks following the meeting.
Neighbourhood Panel Meetings are set up to give residents and businesses an opportunity to tell the Safer Neighbourhood Team what they think is the most significant policing problem in their community and to get advice from us.

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Responses to Invite To Police Panel Meeting Stoughton, October 22

  1. Brian Holt Reply

    October 21, 2013 at 6:58 pm

    With both the Guildford Borough Casualty Reduction Officer and a senior Guildford Borough Parking Officer expected to attend this is a opportunity for all the Stoughton residents to come and air their concerns.

    Stoughton suffers from overweight HGV lorries using these roads despite the a weight limit, especially the Stoughton Road railway bridge.

    This meeting will also be a opportunity to raise the issues of parking on yellow lines with the Parking Officer and explain that nothing seems to get done about it. Support is needed to keep these Police Panel meetings going.

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