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Latest Assessment Gives Spectrum ‘Excellent’ Rating

Published on: 17 Nov, 2014
Updated on: 17 Nov, 2014

Guildford Spectrum – managed by Freedom Leisure in partnership with Guildford Borough Council – has been awarded an “excellent” grade in its latest Quest Assessment.

This is the highest award that can be granted through the Quest Plus Process.

Guildford's Spectrum leisure centre has

Guildford’s Spectrum leisure centre has been awarded an “excellent” grade in a recent assessment.

The Quest process comprises a thorough, in-depth assessment of every aspect of the centre’s operations and management and involves a two-day site audit, a mystery visit and some mystery phone calls.

Freedom Leisure’s area mamager Steve May said: “We scored well last year during the first phase of the assessment but were far from complacent about this grading.

“Every day we strive to give the best possible experience to both regular members and day visitors and I’m delighted my colleagues’ continuous, high standards of care and attention to detail have been recognised by Quest.”

Cllr Matt Furniss, lead member for infrastructure, transport and environment at Guildford Borough Council is equally proud of the achievement. He said: “We believe that Spectrum offers a superb service and experience to all its visitors and it’s reassuring to know that the leisure industry’s leading assessment body agrees with us.”

This is Freedom Leisure’s second Quest success in recent months with Woking Leisure Centre also being rewarded with an “excellent”.

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