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Latest Bowls News: June 27, 2017

Published on: 27 Jun, 2017
Updated on: 27 Jun, 2017

Merrow Bowls club, report by David Raison

On our hottest day this year, June, 17, Merrow welcomed Albury for a friendly, consisting of four rinks of triples. Due to injury and the heat, Merrow fielded two reserves; Calvin Haggis and Allen Mead, both of whom stepped in at short notice.

The match started well for Merrow, but once Albury got into their stride, there was no going back, with Albury winning on three rinks and overall 47 – 81.

Congratulations to Merrow’s Allen Mead (substituted by Richard Duddy at tea), Calvin Haggis, and Colin Mitchell, who won their rink by 22 – 12 against the run of play.

Morrow playing Ottershaw.

On Saturday, June 24, Merrow braved the traffic and travelled to Ottershaw.

We played three rinks of triples and, up to the tea interval, were doing ok. However, the tea break proved to be our undoing, as we went on to lose on all three rinks, with Ottershaw winning 56 – 32 overall.

It wasn’t all doom and gloom though. Rink three (we played on two, three and four) with Debbie, Tony, and Bob clawed back from a large deficit to lose by only five points, so well done.


On Sunday, June 25, Merrow travelled to Heathervale for our second away match of the weekend.

A breezy day found us playing three rinks of triples on a very lush green. A very friendly match ensued, with Heathervale winning two rinks of the three (well done Sue, David, and Brian) and by 59 points to 36.

Following the match, we were treated to tea, which was very well received.

We look forward to entertaining Heathervale in September.

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