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Latest Bowls News

Published on: 12 Jul, 2015
Updated on: 12 Jul, 2015

Guildford Bowling Club’s new president Kay Deans (its first woman president in its 130-year history) has chosen the British Heart Foundation (BHF) as her charity for the year.

the president of Guildford Bowling Club, Kay Deanes.

The president of Guildford Bowling Club, Kay Deans.

On Sunday, July 5, the club played a match against a BHF team led by Shirley West, the chairman of the Guildford and Godalming branch of the BHF. The team included Brian West and Brian Smith.

Kay Deans with team members and players from there BHF team.

Kay Deans with team members and players from the BHF team.

Shirley, who is also the president and social secretary of Guildford’s Castle Green Bowling Club, said: “Fun was had all afternoon on the green. Kay gave everyone a super afternoon tea with a fabulous cake made by her son, and we raised £200.

The cake made to celebrate Guildford Bowling Club's 130th birthday.

The cake made to celebrate Guildford Bowling Club’s 130th birthday.

Latest results from Castle Green Bowling Club. Report by Colin Summerhayes

On Sunday July 5, despite a hard fight, Castle Green lost by a mere five points to three triples teams from Saltdean. The overall score was 43-48. It was a fine afternoon, and the company was excellent, as was the tea from Barry Stephens and Bill Lane. Results were:
J Bird (skip), D Taylor, J Phillips: 14-15,
V Smith (skip), C Downham, T Smith (sharing a half game with D Newman): 9-21,
C Summerhayes (skip), A Lewis, T Sampson: 20-12.

On Saturday July 4, we beat Guildford on their home green, by 58-57. We did better than last year, when they beat us by a substantial margin. Well done! Shirley West who was Castle Green’s captain for the day.
Results were
R Williams  (skip), J Horwood, M Plummer: 18-9.
S West (skip), D Summerhayes, J Phillips: 11-14.
B West (skip), F Webster, N Hinde: 11-22.
P Plummer (skip), D Redgwell, J Hinde: 17-12.

The overall score was 57:57 at 16 ends, where the game ended early. But it was agreed, for a bit of fun, that one more end should be played as a decider, between the two lead players from each club. It was won by Rob Williams, by one point, so the final score was 58-57.

On Tuesday June 30, Castle Green’s senior men’s team lost at home to Woodbridge Hill in the Guildford-Woking Tuesday Triples League, by 25-34. Results were:
R Williams (skip) P plummer, R Helliwell: a draw at 14-14.
B West (skip), C Summerhayes, N Hinde: 11-20. Castle green was ahead by 10 points to 9 at the 12th end, but then the wheels fell off!

On Sunday June 27, Billingshurst beat Castle Green on our own green, by 67-47 (-20 overall). We did better than last year when we lost to them by -40 at home. Once again, the company was delightful, and for once the afternoon was coolish. Results were:
J Bird (skip), C Downham, D Taylor: 13-17.
S West (skip), M Plummer, A Lewis: 9-19.
B West (skip), D Summerhayes, R Sampson: 7-21.
C Summerhayes (skip), P Plummer, D Newman: 18-10.

On Saturday June 26, Brockham beat Castle Green on their home green, by 82-59. Castle Green did less well than last year, when we beat them on their green by +4. And they beat us by just one point on our green this year. Sad to say that it did not all change after tea for Castle Green! Never mind, we enjoyed very pleasant company, even though it was a really hot afternoon. Results were:
D Redgwell (skip), D Summerhayes, H Vogel: 15-17.
C Summerhayes (skip), L Smith, P May: 15-22 (we lost a 6 on end 15).
J Bird (skip), J Phillips, Bill from Brockham: 17-18 (we had to borrow one player).
H Tappenden (skip), P Smith, D Longman: 12-25 (we lost a 6 on end 4).

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