As of today (April 3), there are 649 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Surrey, up 31 in 24 hours, with 14 deaths, Public Health England has reported. Only Birmingham, Hampshire and Sheffield have more cases.
Nationally, 38,000 people have coronavirus and nearly 4,450 have died.
Social distancing being observed by attendees at temporary tunnel outside the RSCH A&E where nurses can assess whether patients entering the hospital have coronavirus symptoms.
The number of local cases has been difficult to establish, figures being published as national and regional. Press reports say the Royal Surrey, serving a population of more than 330,000 across the county’s south-west, has the lowest number of coronavirus deaths at 14.
And other services continue at the hospital. Accident and Emergency is still functioning. Patients are being assessed for coronavirus symptoms in the triage tunnel at the A&E entrance. To reduce the number of patients, the hospital website pointed out the alternative Haslemere Minor Injury Unit (open 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday) and the Woking Walk-in Centre (open 8am – 8pm every day).
Mothers and mothers-to-be are encouraged to still attend antenatal, labour and postnatal services. The government advice for pregnant women is to avoid non-essential contact but with the exception of midwifery and medical care because they are considered to be absolutely essential.
Other outpatient appointments also continue. One patient who did not wish to be named told The Dragon: “I was met by a security guard on the door and was only allowed access because my name was on his list.
“Inside it was like a ghost building. But apart from the absence of visitors, and people generally, everything seemed to be operating apparently normally. The M&S shop and the cafe were open.”
To further minimise the coronavirus spread, patient’s visits have been suspended with exceptions for labour, children and the vulnerable. People cannot accompany patients to clinics.
Parking charges have been suspended and, as the coronavirus has been declared a pandemic, all treatment for the virus is free to all, irrespective of immigration status.
Patricia Marquis, south-east regional director for the Royal College of Nursing, said nurses were scared but putting patients first. The number of calls on the RCN south-east helpline were at an all-time high, she added.
“The calls are heart-breaking,” Ms Marquis went on. “Members are facing some impossible decisions between their own or their family’s health and their sense of duty.
“The calls we have been receiving about personal protective equipment (PPE) have been challenging. Members are sharing equipment, buying their own or reusing single-use PPE. It is increasingly obvious that there simply isn’t enough stock in some places, especially in social care settings.
“We have members in nursing homes who are self-isolating but not being paid; members stranded overseas unable to access any flights to get home who are being told by their employer they will face disciplinary action if they are not in work; pregnant women who are being told there is nowhere to redeploy them to so they will be forced to start their maternity leave early.
“We have also heard from a huge number of employers who are pulling out all the stops to make sure staff and patients have everything they need at this time. There are some pockets of excellent practice out there.
“There are also huge numbers of retired members and students who are willingly coming into the workplace to support the effort. So many nurses are going above and beyond by working in areas they wouldn’t usually work in and offering their skills and expertise.
“Nurses have always been amazing, more so now than ever.”
Jenny Mason, Unison regional organiser representing staff at the RSCH, said she was speaking to the hospital administration regularly. She said that to date, no Unison member at the hospital had contacted them about PPE.
“Our members are stepping up to the challenge as needed, including some of our retired members coming back to work.”
The Guildford Dragon NEWS has contacted The Royal Surrey’s communications department requesting an update and an interview with the CEO Louise Steadman.
St Nicolas Surgery with recent Clinical Decision Unit signs directing people to a side entrance.
Away from the hospital, new notices have appeared at the defunct St Nicolas Surgery in Bury Fields, adjacent to GBC’s offices. Signs with arrows to a “Clinical Decision Unit” have appeared but it is not yet known what function the unit will fulfil.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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