Fringe Box



Letter: Stagecoach’s 46 and 72 Bus Routes Also Under Review

Published on: 1 Feb, 2016
Updated on: 1 Feb, 2016

From Fiona Curtis

We were dismayed to hear that another review of the buses is taking place, so shortly after the last one.

In addition to those already mentioned by other readers, there is a proposal to merge the 46 and 72 routes provided by Stagecoach.

emails letterIf this goes ahead, Shackleford and Hurtmore will lose their service and so will Compton as the bus will take a right from Binscombe to Guildford via Peasmarsh (despite the fact that this area has more than one bus service already).

We have yet to see what savings can be made from this change, but we do know that for those people who use the service, it is a life saver.

The 46 brings visitors to the village (to see friends and relatives and of course visit Watts Gallery). Staff and visitors at the care homes and pub and new restaurant, the Lemongrass also use the bus and without any shopping or medical facilities, some, use it to go to Guildford or Godalming.

I understand Surrey County Council may support areas that lose their service by helping them set up a community bus service.

As a village that runs a community bus service we would be very wary of encouraging this as a replacement.

Running a bus service is a big responsibility and whilst it can work well to support a main service, I would have real concerns about voluntary efforts satisfactorily replacing a main service over a sustained period of time.

It was surprising to see how frequently ‘community effort’ was proposed in the recent Rural Strategy Consultation. I sincerely hope that this isn’t a preview of what’s to come?

There is a questionnaire on-line, the feedback from which will inform the decisions made. Click here for the questionnaire.

Hard copies can be requested and as many people who rely on the bus may not have access to on-line technology, I would recommend that local parish councils seek this option.

Compton Parish Council has set up a petition. Paper versions will wing their way round to all residents over the next few days and for those who use the 46 but who are not resident, (or for those who prefer this option) the url for the petition is at

 At a time when there are proposals to support development on the basis that traffic will reduce through ‘modal shift’  – we are asked to consider cuts to our public transport services. Confused? I know I am.

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