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Letter: The ‘Black Spot’ Paving Has Struck Again

Published on: 11 Feb, 2016
Updated on: 11 Feb, 2016

From Christopher Dean

The “black spot” has struck again!

emails letterAt the top of Guildford High Street black asphalt has replaced expensive stone paving after an excavation in the footpath.

It is neatly done but it isn’t stone.

Looking around the town, this seems to be all too common an occurrence.

It has even been done in the stone setts of the High Street.

In many places it seems as though it is not a temporary expedient.

What happens to the paving that has been dug up? Surely it cannot all have been broken?

Can pressure be exerted on the contractors to re-instate the pavement properly?

There seems little point in using expensive paving if every time an excavation is required it is smashed or discarded.

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Responses to Letter: The ‘Black Spot’ Paving Has Struck Again

  1. Richard Terrell Reply

    February 12, 2016 at 9:35 pm

    Though I have yet to view this myself, it would appear the atmosphere of preserving old stone or as is necessary replacing like for like is entirely lost, if asphalt is be used whether in whole or partially.

    Guildford needs to retain the atmosphere that is so unique of its historic past. So the town can progress throughout this and succeeding century’s as an opportunity to digest its meaning and culture, carefully co-ordinating with modern structure, an art in town planning worth considering for our children’s, children.

  2. Mark Brett-Warburton Reply

    February 14, 2016 at 10:17 pm

    Where a paving stone or setts are removed by utilities companies they can put down Tarmac to make the area safe on a temporary basis but are required to return and reinstate the paving stones or setts.

    As part of the restoration of the High Street setts there is a new protocolthat will require utilities companies to restore the area that has been dug up exactly, including the concrete substrate, which didn’t happen in the past. This should mean that the restoration should have a longer life.

    Replacing damaged paving stones and kerbs is part of the restoration programme.

    Mark Brett-Warburton is the Conservative Surrey County Councillor for the Division of Guildford South East.

  3. Colin Davies Reply

    February 24, 2016 at 12:07 pm

    On moving to Guildford about eight years ago I was shocked at the poor state of many of the footways around the town centre area.

    The lack of timely maintenance seemed to indicate a lack of pride and, more importantly, a lack of concern for pedestrian safety.

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