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Letter: This Former Leader Is Not For Turning

Published on: 28 May, 2021
Updated on: 28 May, 2021

From: Paul Spooner

leader of GBC when the Local Plan was adopted and the Conservative borough councillor for Ash South & Tongham

in response to a comments on: Why Tory Bosses Can Disregard Fallout from Guildford’s Housing Boom 

Unfortunately, Mr Paton presents the facts as he wishes to see them and falls into the same trap that he criticises others for being caught by.

I have NO issue with the Local Plan as adopted. I am sorry if that disappoints Mr Paton, Mr Cranwell and other prolific commentators on this medium.

My issue along with other Conservatives is that the safeguards built in to the plan have been ignored until very recently by the current administration, but there does now appear to be a genuine effort to review based on the changes that have a material impact, in my opinion.

A Local Plan is a fluid plan and significant changes should result in regular impact assessments. I hope we will not see a deliberately delayed review process.

I know it suits the Wisley Action Group (WAG) agenda to talk about a Damascus Road conversion, but this previous leader is not for turning, only for following policy and due process put in place by the previous Conservative administration and understood by members of Lib Dems and Labour at the time.

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