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Letter: Would Readers Like A Chance To Vote On Possible Rise In Council Tax?

Published on: 3 Feb, 2015
Updated on: 3 Feb, 2015

From Alderman Bernard Parke

I understand that the Surrey County Council is to meet again this month to debate an increase council tax to just below the 2% figure.

emails letterIf this amount was  exceeded it would trigger a referendum and the electorate would have the opportunity to comment on what is become an annual event.

This rise is despite the Government’s claim that council tax would again be frozen this year again for the last four or so years.

I wonder how many of your readers would welcome a chance to express their feelings with a vote on this annual rise?

Perhaps they will have an opportunity to do so in May regardless. when the new tax demands fall through their letter boxes.

No doubt they will recall that that certain county councillors ignored their review body last year and voted themselves a 60% rise in their allowances.

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Responses to Letter: Would Readers Like A Chance To Vote On Possible Rise In Council Tax?

  1. Mary Bedforth Reply

    February 4, 2015 at 10:03 am

    You took the words out of my mouth there Mr Parke!

    ‘No doubt they will recall that that certain county councillors ignored their review body last year and voted themselves a 60% rise in their allowances.’

    Well said. They are troughers.

  2. Martin Elliott Reply

    February 4, 2015 at 8:49 pm

    Add to that the Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC). He has said he needs an increase of around 50%, implying we should be pleased that instead he will hold it to (the usual) 1.99%.

    The complaint that the precept, by some measure, is less than any other PS has never been published in detail, just as we are told was rejected by the Home Office.

    Maybe before the next PCC election we could see the case pursued more openly and vigorously.

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