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Letter: Would £835,000 Be Better Spent On Potholes?

Published on: 24 Jul, 2017
Updated on: 24 Jul, 2017

Setts were first laid in the High Street c. 1868

From Bernard Parke

Hon Alderman and former Mayor of Guildford

The proposed extension of granite setts into the “Tunsgate Zone” will no doubt add to the charm of central Guildford.

Perhaps it is worth reflecting on why the granite setts in our High Street were first laid in the 19th century. They were placed there as a safety measure to help horse drawn traffic to ascend the street.

Perhaps the key word then was safety, as it is today. The initial cost of this exercise is placed in the region of £835,000.

Such a sum of money could be applied to repair the increasing number of potholes which are the current bane of those of us living in the 21st century.

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Responses to Letter: Would £835,000 Be Better Spent On Potholes?

  1. Richard Terrell Reply

    July 24, 2017 at 6:52 pm

    Maybe, but for Guildford it is a unique aspect, and surely the life of granite setts will excel in attracting tourists and eventually outweigh that cost. A little imagination, worthwhile events in the vicinity would create an atmosphere other towns could not match.

    Additionally, nationally, it appears in recent thinking; there should be more thought into modern architecture, as much could be demolished around the country without it even being missed. Guildford has changed so much, in just 50 years, it would be sad if blending of the new with old could not be further achieved.

    Of course, safety is important in respect of pot holes, a known prize headache, but that is surely a national problem and how would £835,000 achieve?

  2. John Schluter Reply

    July 24, 2017 at 10:44 pm

    What was the amount paid out last year to road users as a result of damage due to potholes etc?

  3. Richard Terrell Reply

    July 31, 2017 at 7:46 pm

    What is the cost of repairing the average pot hole?

    How many pot holes are there?

    What is the defined area on the map being referred to?

    This application of funds would be applicable to all the above answers?

  4. Bernard Parke Reply

    August 1, 2017 at 11:52 am

    I am sure the questions presented by Mr Terrell are virtually impossible to answer accurately.

    Many potholes are repaired with just a top dressing which is washed away at the first shower of rain.

    How Many pot holes are there?

    All I know is that they are manifold and according to recent RAC UK figures the damage to vehicles caused by bad road surfaces has increased year on year by 31%.

    However, we seem to be straying from the point. Is this council tax payers’money being well spent?

  5. Richard Terrell Reply

    August 4, 2017 at 11:17 pm

    It was a tall question for many reasons, but someone within the county council would likely know the average cost to fill a pot hole. However, though SCC may administer the filling of holes or likewise attention to safety, should that cost be supported by the national Road Tax, not be a redirection of council funds?

    Granite setts would enhance the character of the town whilst also, in all likelihood, reduce the need for future repairs to the Tunsgate and provide a useful pathway towards the ancient Norman castle.

    The Tunsgate gateway itself could accommodate perhaps events of light classical entertainment by local schools and societies.

    Whatever, it needs to benefit all, with some seating, and refreshments, while still maintaining the historic nature of this area.

    With today’s lighting effects, the effect of the granite setts at night time could be further enhanced.

    Maybe ambitious, but worth careful thought. If the proposal did proceed then it would be a shared benefit to all who live or visit Guildford, keeping this town unique!

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