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Letter: My Views On The GGG And Its Aims

Published on: 17 Feb, 2015
Updated on: 17 Feb, 2015

From Alderman Bernard Parke

I understand the feelings behind my fellow aldermen’s comments on the foundation of the Guildford Greenbelt Group, but I think that it was founded with a deep desire to challenge the existing composition of our council and its policies, which seem not to be in tune with popular beliefs.

That is, a group of people bound mainly by the policies of national government, which do not often seem to be concerned about the wishes of the people who voted for them.

Such as: the protection of our quality of life, handed down to us in the form of the metropolitan green belt.

However, the emergence of such a party does not mean that it is restricted to one single issue.

It is, I understand, composed of members of various former parties who all share a genuine concerned over future development proposals.

Perhaps it is the nearest thing we shall see at this time to an independent group with purely local issues in mind.

Many able people are, at present, restricted from serving our town because they have been sponsored by a different national party.

May I say that I am no longer a member of any party or pressure  group, but just a Guildfordian who is concerned for its future and the future effects on the lives of our children.

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Responses to Letter: My Views On The GGG And Its Aims

  1. Garry Walton Reply

    March 8, 2015 at 5:25 pm

    If only all aldermen had the intelligence experience and statesmanship of Bernard Parke. Well said sir.

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