Fringe Box



Letter: A Change of Government is Necessary to Tackle the Sewage Issue

Published on: 3 Apr, 2022
Updated on: 3 Apr, 2022

Sewage dumping and wild swimmers in the River Wey

From: Howard Smith

Former parliamentary Labour candidate for Guildford

In response to: Lib Dems Suggest a Sewage Tax to Deter Dumping into Rivers

We in Guildford Labour would agree with the proposal for a Sewage Tax. The situation is a national scandal. The problem is appalling, ongoing and seemingly without end, but I’m not sure there’s anyone in the Tory party that really cares. And the reality is this government are never going to listen to the views of someone like Zoe Franklin.

But there will be an opportunity at the next election to vote for an alternative government which will take issues like this seriously, a Labour government. If you want things to change, the opportunity is there for everyone to vote Labour. That is how we will get this issue sorted.

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