Fringe Box



Letter: A Grateful Thank You to a Truly Remarkable Man

Published on: 29 Nov, 2020
Updated on: 29 Nov, 2020

Hon Alderman Gordon Bridger

From: John Rigg

leading R4GV borough councillor for Holy Trinity

in response to: Guildford Mourns Gordon Bridger, the Former Mayor Who Loved His Town

Gordon Bridger was the most remarkable local politician and leading citizen, all that Guildford could have hoped for in a respected advocate seeking the best for our borough.

He was committed, studious, hard-working and above all intellectual, always positive and supportive, never in my experience tempted to score cheap political points.

Gordon was among the original parties to encourage us to start R4GV when he lost faith with national political parties and the system that has developed over the years where local politics become subsumed under national parties and politics.

He was also a great friend and I looked back at some of his emails to me, only as far back as December 2017 before I had to stop counting: more than 400 emails, all long, detailed, well-argued and passionate in seeking the best for Guildford.

I was grateful to be able to visit him just before he died and thank him personally for his good counsel and for everything he has achieved for our town.

Gordon was a remarkable fellow and remains a great example to us all. I take my hat off to you, Gordon. Thank you. Rest in peace.

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