From: Green Lane resident (name and address supplied)
The problems of anti-social behaviour on The Mount and Green Lane continue.
Evidence of anti-social behaviour on The Mount: ‘Walk your rubbish home’ notice pulled up, litter and graffiti.
Recently I have seen dustbin bags full of rubbish dumped in the bushes, used condoms, women’s sanitary products, drug paraphernalia and God knows what else.
“Walk your rubbish home” signs have been ripped up and thrown into the bushes, wooden bollards pulled up so people can park and dustbins covered in graffiti.
I know the police and council teams are doing all they can but the litter and vandalism are getting worse.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Ross Connell
November 26, 2020 at 4:55 pm
The Mount seems to have become a refuge for those who would previously meet up in cafes, bars etc prior to lockdown and the pandemic. Most of the youngsters who gather are polite and well-behaved.
On one morning this week when walking our dog, armed with his poo bag and a plastic bag, we collected eight beer bottles and two beer cans plus litter. On the previous late afternoon, the field was clear of rubbish so what we collected was due to later partying in the prior evening.
As to rubbish, it can be dangerous as our dog swallowed a Covid face mask but thankfully passed it through with his poop that I collected. Face masks are the new rubbish.
While the police and council may be doing all they can it is still not sufficient. As we enter Tier 2 maybe more strenuous efforts are needed to enforce the law?
Roland Dunster
November 27, 2020 at 5:30 pm
I’m sorry to say that I don’t agree that the police, but particularly the council (GBC), are doing all they can.
GBC’s litter “strategy” amounts to an expensive and moronic vicious cycle of allowing littering; cursory cleaning; allowing littering.
Unless it grows a backbone and actively tackles the causes and not just the symptoms, this antisocial consequence-free behaviour will continue unabated.
Thorough cleaning, much firmer preventative messaging and the full/active enforcement of laws and fines are required.