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Letter: Any Resident Can Request Call-in of Airport’s Expansion Plan

Published on: 3 Jan, 2024
Updated on: 3 Jan, 2024

From: Angela Richardson

Conservative MP for Guildford

In response to: Farnborough Airport Expansion – Why Can’t Our MP Call for a Public Enquiry

I am grateful to constituents, like Mr Byrne, who have written to me to share their views on the proposals being made by Farnborough Airport.

In the autumn, I met with the chief executive officer of the airport to raise concerns directly with him, ensuring that comments are given attention at the highest level.

I appreciate the points that have been highlighted on the environment, air quality and noise. I believe it is important that further negotiation between residents, local councils, community groups and the airport takes place to find a positive solution.

During my recent meeting, we discussed the environmental and noise impact of the proposed expansion and the airport’s proposed mitigations. I fully support continued environmental restrictions where appropriate to mitigate the effect on Guildford residents.

I also welcome the introduction of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) and the airport’s aspiration to become the first UK airport to use 100 per cent SAF as soon as practicable. It is right that we work to decarbonise aviation as part of our climate goals and the government is working to achieve this through the Jet Zero strategy and the £165 million Advanced Fuel Fund.

As I mentioned in my response to Mr Byrne, any resident can request a call-in of a planning application and I would encourage residents to share their views at all opportunities throughout this process.

Whilst I have concluded that I will not be requesting a call-in of the application, residents can be rightly assured of my close attention to any developments on this matter.

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Responses to Letter: Any Resident Can Request Call-in of Airport’s Expansion Plan

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    January 3, 2024 at 5:40 pm

    It should be noted the air corridors for Farnborogh, of which Jacobs Well should be the extremity, is often extended over the Wey Navigation and the A3 at Burpham by just a little bit.

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