There are several major planning applications which could have been discussed at Ash Parish Council’s Planning Committee meeting which is the subject of Mr Ferns’ letter An Ash Parish ‘No’ That Means It’s None of Your Business.
The first was an S106 amendment, where the files are, even today, unavailable on the GBC planning portal, yet councillors had apparently read them.
They didn’t discuss what was in them though, and had no comment.
The second was for another application for Ash Manor which has been available for three weeks, yet failed to make it on to the agenda and therefore the committee refused to discuss it, even when the parish clerk raised it.
And the final one was for Ash Station Bridge, that £30+ million pound project, in their parish, which many residents object to, but which Cllr Manning strongly supports. It was just dismissed with no comment.
The whole meeting was over in 15 minutes.
Is this serving their residents? I for one don’t think so.
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Caroline Perkins
October 17, 2020 at 8:33 am
The large Conservative majority at borough level had the same belligerent attitude that this final enclave of Conservatives has at Ash. When will they learn to listen?