Fringe Box



Letter: Barbed Wire is an Essential Tool for Stockmen

Published on: 30 Nov, 2018
Updated on: 30 Nov, 2018

From Dave Middleton

In response to: Dog Owner Calls For Action on Dangerous Barbed Wire

Barbed wire is an essential tool in a stockman’s kit for keeping livestock in and where necessary, wildlife out. Cattle and horses are notorious for pushing against boundary fences and breaking them down. I have seen horses reverse into ordinary chain link fences, push them down and escape onto roads. The barbed wire stops this.

We must remember, that the countryside is a working environment – a place of work – not a playground for people’s pet dogs and recreational use is by the grace of the landowner. If you allow your dog to run wild on someone else’s land, you are at very least committing trespass.

As for the razor wire that the lady’s dog was cut by; it’s not 100% clear in the picture, but that looks to have been dumped, possibly fly tipped and should be reported to the local authority for removal as a matter of priority.

No Stockman would use razor wire as a stock fence due to the injury it can cause. Razor wire is only for use against human intruders, not animals.

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