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Letter: Bill Barker Has Been An Exemplary Councillor

Published on: 1 May, 2017
Updated on: 1 May, 2017

From Ben Paton

Bill Barker has served the people of the Horsleys with exemplary dedication. He has brought real world experience, genuine empathy for local residents, and tremendous energy to the job.

Bill’s values are those of a generation that still remembers the dark days of WW2: responsibility, self-reliance, practicality, service, and common sense.

In the days before satellite communications the man on the spot had to exercise his own judgement. There was no “phoning a friend” to get you out of trouble. In those circumstances you need people who can be relied on to do the right thing rather than follow the letter of some rule or the thing that might look good or please some distant superior.

Local politics lacks enough people with independence of thought and sound judgement who will stand up for local people rather than use a position as a stepping stone in a political career.

Bill has inspired loyalty by showing good judgement and doing the right thing. He will be a very hard act to follow.

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