Fringe Box



Letter: Bridge Closure Another Sign of Decline

Published on: 31 Oct, 2023
Updated on: 31 Oct, 2023

From: S Callanan

In response to: Pedestrian Access to Guildford Station Footbridge To Be Withdrawn

Am I missing something? I use this route from time to time but can’t recall when I last saw a bridge pass.

Could SWR let us all know the incidence of anti-social behaviour from those travelling on the trains and paying? And since the station is covered by CCTV, why can’t the people behaving objectionably be identified and apprehended?

Where does this line of argument end? Surrey Police are no doubt subject to abuse as the pubs and clubs in the town centre turn out every weekend. So should we shut all the pubs and clubs.

Guildford seems on a downward trajectory. The buildings adjacent to the Odeon cinema are covered in graffiti as is the pedestrian route from Friary Street through Friary Passage to the riverside and the Electric Theatre.

The fact that it’s not removed rapidly is evidence of things beginning to fall apart.

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Responses to Letter: Bridge Closure Another Sign of Decline

  1. Jane Shipp Reply

    November 1, 2023 at 8:46 am

    Where have the passes to go over the bridge gone? I use the bridge in the daytime and have not witnessed anti social behavior, if at night maybe just close it then.

    Please don’t close it completely for pedestrians.

  2. David Syms Reply

    November 1, 2023 at 12:20 pm

    Common sense not welcomed here. Just another way in which Guildford gets just a bit less pleasant to be in every day.

  3. Leo Jewel Reply

    November 1, 2023 at 11:48 pm

    Network Rail received £25 million for the development site on the east side with a legal obligation to maintain pedestrian access across the railway. £25 million should more than cover any fare-dodging mitigation strategy and if they can’t deliver on their Section 106 obligations the development should be stopped immediately and enforcement action taken.

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