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Letter: Can Our Guildford Neighbours Offer Some Advice?

Published on: 5 Oct, 2014
Updated on: 5 Oct, 2014

Handshake 1From Dominique McAll

I wonder if anyone among our Guildford neighbours can offer an opinion to Cranleigh?

I am a Cranleigh resident, so although I am eight miles down the road we share the same MP and a lot of the same issues. Our Local Plan development is controlled by Waverley Borough Council.

In Cranleigh we have available brown field and green field but no green belt.  I have a question about the “Sequential Test” which no one so far seems to be able to answer clearly, so I was hoping that someone living in the neighbouring authority may have dealt with this issue before or have some insight. In short, we have a conflict of opinion between our local planners and the Environment Agency.

I would be grateful for some advice.

Offers of help to Ms McCall should be directed through The Guildford Dragon NEWS at:

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