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Letter: Can Our Waste Water Infrastructure Cope?

Published on: 2 Nov, 2021
Updated on: 2 Nov, 2021

A blocked sewage drain in Burpham during a previous incident.

From: Alistair Smith

Chair of the Guildford Society

In response to: You Can’t Keep Building Houses Without Sufficient Sewerage

The Plaza Site (Portsmouth Road) planning application in its Drainage Strategy refers to a foul water main drain where it is unclear on direction of flow, depth and manhole access appears to have been blocked.

A new STW [sewage treatment works] is to be commended, but we also need to have an understood and upgraded sewer network to reach it.

With on the planning horizon circa 1,500 to 2,000 new dwellings just in the town centre, and many more in other parts of the borough, will the waste water infrastructure cope?

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