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Letter: Can Someone Help Me Contact Nurse Maureen O’Connor?

Published on: 30 Aug, 2023
Updated on: 30 Aug, 2023

Matron Coyle at St Luke’s with some of her staff in 1958. Photo the Spike Heritage Centre. Click on image to enlarge.

From: Matti Keskinen

I hope a Guildford Dragon reader might be able to help me.

In December 1958 I was a patient in St Luke’s Hospital, Guildford. On the ward I was in was an Irish girl nurse, Maureen O’Connor from Dublin. She would have graduated as a nurse in about 1962-63.

I would like to know how she is. Could anyone please put me in touch with her so she can tell me?

I still have a beautiful handwritten letter she gave me before I returned to Finland in 1959 to study.

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Responses to Letter: Can Someone Help Me Contact Nurse Maureen O’Connor?

  1. Aubrey Leahy Reply

    September 29, 2023 at 9:23 pm

    65 years ago, on October 21st 1958 a Guard of Honour composed of Queen Charlotte Guildford Sea cadets performed (and I use the word proudly) at a memorial service to the Admiral Lord Nelson in and about Trafalgar Square.

    There were about 40 of us who had rehearsed for many months. Commander Reed was in charge.

    Cannot but help wonder if any others besides myself are still alive and if so where they live. Ironically for a Sea Cadet I wound up in the Mojave desert! Something for your “Were you there” feature perhaps?

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