Fringe Box



Letter: Other Cars Vandalised Elsewhere in Guildford

Published on: 11 Jun, 2017
Updated on: 12 Jun, 2017

From David Middleton

See also: Car Windows Smashed Across Guildford in Vandalism Spree

A car on Grange Road at Stoughton was also subjected to the same type of damage in the early hours of this morning, June 11.

The front passenger window of her car was shattered and smashed to pieces, with the rear passenger window diagonally opposite it also shattered, but remaining in its frame.

That window had a clear impact mark on the inside and a small pebble, about 10mm in diameter was found inside the car.

Another car suffered the same damage overnight June 10/11 on Grange Road, near the junction with Salt Box Road.

I’d take an educated guess that the offenders in this matter are driving around the area and, probably the front or rear nearside passenger is firing stones from a catapult at the car windows, just doing it for the hell of it.

Sheer mindless moronic stupidity that costs the victims hundreds of pounds in repair costs or increased insurance premiums.

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Responses to Letter: Other Cars Vandalised Elsewhere in Guildford

  1. Dee Bruce Reply

    June 11, 2017 at 3:23 pm

    And at least one car on Byrefield Road

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