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Letter: Changes in the Retail Sector Must Be Taken into Account

Published on: 25 Oct, 2018
Updated on: 25 Oct, 2018

From A Atkinson

WH Smiths is now starting to close stores which I hinted at in my earlier letter: My Fears for the Retail Sector.

Now Gourmet Burger Kitchen files for a Company Voluntary Arrangement and is planning to close outlets, perhaps following the same fate as other casual dining chains.

Today it is reported that Debenhams is planning to close 55 stores.

I do hope Guildford Borough Council comes to its senses and really rethinks the town centre.

As someone who has experienced first-hand the power of 5G communication [currently being developed at the University of Surrey] last month and at an eye-opening conference in Australia last week, the way we shop is going to change at an exponential rate.

Drone delivery could be the future.

The planning inspector may not find the plan unsound, but what is clear, the plan for the town centre is plain wrong.

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